Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27 NIV
Imaginary dialogue between a husband and a wife:
“Honey, let’s get that box out of the attic.”
“What box?”
“You know we packed up that list of dreams we never could accomplish and all the things we’ve tried at and failed…”
“What do you want to do that for? Aren’t you tired of failing?”
“Sure I am, but look at this verse I just found. Here, read it.”
“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’ That’s pretty neat. So if we can’t do it, then He can.”
“Right, that’s what I thought. All those things we have tried before, but have never been able to get done on our own, and those things we were afraid to try…still have a possibility with God.”
“Because God is able to do what we cannot. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. We must decrease so that He can increase. He can overcome the struggles of our life, when we place our trust in Him.”
“That’s right…Go ahead. Preach Sister.”
“Okay, God is at His best when we come to the place in our journey where we recognize that we can do nothing without Him. He is ready to assist us when we will give Him the glory. When we give Him our tired, worn out selves, and humble before His mighty throne, He will wrap us with His tender, yet powerful arms and carry us beyond the limits of our imagination.”
“Exactly, I couldn’t have said it any better.”
“Alright then, now we’re getting somewhere. Help me get down that list.”
Could you make a list of dreams, or things you’ve tried at and failed at before? What has been impossible for you?
Go ahead and make the list, then give it to God. (For further clarification, you may want to read this POST or this POST)
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