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My “Favorite” Questions as a Church Plant

I don’t know if we are still considered a church plant at 6 years into this, but we still get some of the same questions today as when we started.

Here are my “favorite” questions as a church plant:

“When are you going to build a church?” – Well, that’s what we are doing now. (Oh, you mean a building…but, of course, you’d also agree the church is not the building…right? ๐Ÿ™‚ )

“Are you going to keep doing this?” – For whatever reason, it seems that some believe a church plant is temporary. (Until a “real church” comes along I guess ๐Ÿ™‚ )

“What’s your other job?” – I realize all pastors get this one, but many plants start with bi-vocational pastors. Not all do though and sometimes this IS our job. Trust me, there’s plenty to do.

“When you get a building will you quit having small groups?” – This usually comes from someone who is accustomed to Sunday school, but it’s funny their tradition leads them to believe that a lack of space would be our only reason to do church this way. (Meeting in homes during the week…that’s so first century ๐Ÿ™‚ )

“How did this thing get started?” – Many times this is an innocent question. I’ve learned, however, mostly because of follow up questions, that sometimes this is a question looking for some inside scoop, a scandal of sorts, a church split…that kind of thing. There’s almost an expectation that a “story” exists with any church plant. In my experience, and in our personal experience, a church plant is far more about what God is calling someone to, not about what someone is running from.

Have you been part of a church plant? What type questions do you receive the most?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Charlie says:

    Here's the one I love to hear: "What can I do to help?" Unfortunately, doesn't quite make the top ten…

    • ronedmondson says:

      That's a most excellent question. Honestly, we've heard it a lot…but I'd love to hear it more.

  • tijuanabecky

    I've been a part of a church plant that met in a school but wasn't on the lines where I got asked questions. These are definitely great ones!

  • We frequently hear the " when are you going to build a building" thing- the funniest questions to me, however are the ones ppl ask who do not realize that people who are on staff "work" for the church. Several times I have mentioned having work that I needed to get done before doing something else.. and I got " You have a job? Where do you work?" ๐Ÿ™‚

    • ronedmondson says:

      Yea. That's hilarious, but when it is asked it is almost always in innocence. They seriously didn't know. Funny.