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All Creation Bows…When Your Faith Dwindles


He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8:26

I wonder if Jesus often wondered, in His humanity, why the disciples just didn’t get it.

In fact, I wonder why I don’t at times. Sometimes it seems like an everyday occurrence.

There Jesus was, all along, throughout the storm, and yet I fail to recognize Him. I knew, at least in my heart, that God was still God, that the Holy Spirit was my great comforter and that Jesus was at the right hand of the Father saying, “Dad, I know what he’s going through. Let’s help him one more time.” But in the midst of a tempest…a storm…a trial…it often seemed like He was nowhere around.

Or, are you not like me and my disciple friends? Do you have perfect faith? Strong faith? BIG faith? BIGGER faith? Is your faith “mature”? More “perfect” than mine?

Sure, we should always grow in our faith. And, it is trials and storms of life that God uses so often to increase our dependency on Him; to teach us who God is and who we are not. But you and I, if we are honest, know that our faith often dwindles. We often try to take on the storms with our own abilities. It may be like flying a paper airplane in a hurricane, but we will put our all into being independent. As dumb as that seems in reality.

And then our plane crashes…

You’ve been there.

Suddenly, we have nowhere else to turn and we call upon the name of the Lord!
Redemption comes! Then comes the real strength and power! Then comes the real solution!

Our faith…little as it may be…calls upon Jesus…and all Creation bows at His name!

When is the last time you knew God to be God…no questions asked?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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"No questions asked?" That's a tough qualifier. At some level, I know He's God. No doubts. Yet there are times when life gets rough, and my mind throws out some questions - Are you sure? Would it be easier to not believe in Him? Is He really there? Almost 4 years ago, I had throat cancer. I knew God would see me through. He did. The financial mess we're in as a result of it, on the other hand, has been an annoying on-going struggle. And I find myself somedays wondering, "Where's God? I could use some help down here."
What He's shown me through the years is what keeps me holding on: He is faithfully, lovingly using all things, good and bad, to mold me into the image of Christ, and to bring glory to Himself. Those are the two things I want most when it comes down to it. So, with that, I am able to not only trust Him, but also thank Him - always for all things. In truth, I'm still learning to walk in that - sometimes I'm better at it than at others.
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
You might listen to my sermon from last week <a href="http://.
.<br />

I agree
Honestly....the last time I knew Gog to be God was when He led me to such a place of healing from 'ministry shrapnel' to serving again on staff at a very rare and healthy church. I had left the ministry 3 years ago, and God slowly pulled me back into partnership with Him. Now THAT was a true miracle.
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago

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