This week I encountered several people living in the bondage of the law. They were beating themselves up for not being able to maintain every rule, many of which were set by man and are not even clearly defined by Scripture.
The death of Jesus satisfied the wrath of God against people who could never keep His laws. The law portrays our sin, because it defines sin for us. We wouldn’t know it was wrong to lie, for example, unless that standard had been set. Jesus removed the burden of the law and provided for us His grace. Grace doesn’t give us a license to sin again. It gives a freedom to truly live. We are freed from the power sin had in our life.
Do you need this week’s memory verse? Here it is:
"No condemnation now I dread. Jesus and all in Him is mine. Alive in Him, my living Head, and clothed in righteousness divine. Bold, I approach the eternal throne, and claim the crown, through Christ, my own." My favorite verse from my favorite hymn. This is what salvation is all about. This is why Christ died. Through His blood, we are freed from the law, the enslavement of sin and the fear that we're just not quite good enough. Thank You, God for grace, feely given!!
I needed this reminder. What is it about our human nature that wants to follow the law? This is a great reminder that I am free to do what I want to do, but my "want to's" change when I walk with Christ. I need to meditate on this and the love of God for a few months.
Thanks Laurinda.
Much agreement when you say…
“The death of Jesus satisfied the wrath of God against people who could **never** keep His laws.”
Yes, **trying** to “keep the rules” is a big distraction from “hearing His Voice” and following Jesus.
When “trying to keep the rules” aren’t we focused on **self** (What am “ I “ doing?)
(Don’t do this, don’t do that) and wind up living under the “Law of sin and death?”
1Cor 15:56 …and the strength of sin **is the law.**
But as a believer I’m NO longer under the law – but under grace.
Rom 6:14
For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
I NO longer desire to live under the law either. Even my own rules, laws, that I make up.
And I don’t have to “Live under the law.” because…
1 – We are delivered from the law. Rom 7:6
2 – We are – Dead to the law. Rom 7:4
3 – We are – Not under the law. Rom 7:2
4 – We are – Free from the law. Rom 8:2
5 – The law worketh wrath. Rom 4:15
6 – We are – Redeemed from the curse of the law. Gal 3:13
7 – We are – No longer under a schoolmaster. ( The law.) Gal. 3:25
8 – The law is NOT made for a rightous man. 1 Tim 1:9
9 – By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified. Rom 3:19
10- The law is NOT of faith. Gal 3:12
A simple rule of thumb for me to know where I’m living – under law? – or under grace.?
When I Focus on **self** – I’m living under the law.
(What is “Amos“ doing? – Good or evil.) Hmmm? That pesky tree again.
When I Focus on **Jesus** – I’m living under grace.
(What is “ Jesus “ doing?- Loving, forgiving, cleansing, showing mercy.) Tree of “Life?”
We become like Him when we see Jesus as He is… 1 John 3:2.
NOT when we stop sinning or obey the law…
His Blood “cleanses me” from “ALL” my sin. Jesus forgives me.
His mercies are “NEW” every morning. And Jesus remembers my sin no more.
That means I don’t have to remember my sin either. It’s gone.
Thank you Jesus…
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring, and they shall **hear MY voice;**
and there shall be “ONE” fold, and “ONE” shepherd.
John 10:16
One Fold – One Shepherd – One Voice.
{{{{{{ Jesus }}}}}}
Thanks for the insight.