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Giving God A Blank Page To Plan Out Your Life

and find out what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5:10 NIV

iStock_000007059074XSmallFor several years I have tried to get my life to the blank piece of paper stage. I have endeavored to present God with a blank piece of paper so He can plan my life.

It started like this. Years ago I was explaining to a friend that I was at one of those “trying to discover God’s will” points in my life. I have been there many times before and will be again. His advice was something like, “Maybe you need to start with a blank piece of paper and give God ample space to plan out the rest of your life. Make yourself completely available to Him.” That made a lot of sense. I left our meeting, however, with a very probing question for myself. Did I really even have blank piece of paper?  Over the next few weeks, through prayer and discipline, I attempted to get there.

Over the years since then, I have periodically continued the self-examination. To do this I have to be honest with myself and the plans I have for my life. I certainly want to follow His lead, but I think many times my page is loaded with my own agenda. If I want my page to be completely blank, then I need to offer it back to God, with nothing on the paper.

Have you given God a blank page to plan your life?

Be prepared.  He loves a challenge and He is great at taking nothing and making something, when you let Him draw the picture.

For more thoughts on determining God’s will, click HERE and HERE and HERE.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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What a cool thought, Ron. I really like this idea. When we make our lists, we sometimes do get so into the details that we forget to leave space for God to work. Gonna try to live this one!
.-= Brandon Cox´s last blog ..Our Secret Source of Power =-.
1 reply · active 796 weeks ago
Thanks Brandon. Works for me!
It has always been interesting to me, the whole idea that we set a "life plan", make mission statements and goals in the name of God and his work, when actually it may be a very subtle (or not so subtle) attempt at controlling our lives. I am not saying that there is no value -- no godly value -- in "planning";however, the reality is that God is a God who desires that we walk by faith, following Him and submitting to His agenda. Often God is not as forthcoming on the 5year plan as we might like Him to be. The blank sheet dosen't mean we are not responsible or accountable, merely that we are surrendered to God's plan, God's agenda, God's will and delight not that of our own or others. Jesus ministered "as He went along the way" listening to His Father and doing only what the Father told Him and speaking what the Father gave Him to speak. What a challenging (but I suspect ;0)) fruitful way to live.

God's plan is always the best one -- and sometimes all we have is a cloud by day and a fire by night. But what an absolutely amazing way to live, don't you think?

I'm hoping I can learn more and more to live like this!
3 replies · active 781 weeks ago
Thanks so much for your comment and insight. I certainly agree with you on so many levels. I do believe also that making plans within God's will is also a part of the Christian life though. Jesus asked, ""Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?" (Luke 14:28) and lots of Proverbs speak to that

The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.—Proverbs 21:5 and The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.—Proverbs 16:9

It's one of the parts so difficult to understand about our God relationship. How do we make plans, but be totally yielded to God's will for our life? I'm still learning how to continually give Him a blank page for my life while continuing to plan within the ministry He has given me. Great thought stirring. Thanks for that.
So true, I did not mean to imply that there should be no planning, perhaps what I mean is that the planning we do needs to be "fluid", open to the "disruptions" of God. And, of course, when we bring the "blank sheet of paper" to Him we are doing so prayerfully so that He can direct those plans and give us the insight and wisdom we need to follow His plans. I am just so often tempted to rush ahead with my own plans but must remember that though my plans may be many -- the Lord determines the steps. I tend to be "hyper-responsible", so learning to be a little less "in charge" has been a real step of faith for me.
Absolutely. We are on the same page! Thanks for the conversation via this post.

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This post was mentioned on Twitter by sawagner30: Giving God A Blank Page To Plan Out Your Life
It is an interesting thought. I would think that it would be nearly impossible to do (if I understand it correctly). Mostly because I have the impression of trying to "fix the car before I take it to the mechanic". I don't mean to smart off, but, one of the reasons we want, even need to have God's plan for our lives is that we have messed it up! If we attempt to give Him a "blank" page, are we not attempting to say these things are either not there or not important? I have the impression that God's plan must include our own agenda, not because we can just fit God around our plans, but Prov. 3actually does list "your own understanding" meaning that it does have a place, just not first place. God did give us this understanding, it must have been for a reason.
1 reply · active 747 weeks ago
I think it's in heart and attitude more than it is in writing out a plan. As we start to write our plan, we allow Him to direct our steps. Such as what Jeremiah prayed "LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps." Jeremiah 10:23 Thanks

7 Blog Posts About Being Available to God

[…] Giving God A Blank Page To Plan Out Your Life – Ron Edmondson. Using Ephesians 5:10 as his beacon, Edmondson explains personal difficulty in allowing God to truly use us with freely and clearly with no clutter. “I certainly want to follow His lead, but I think many times my page is loaded with my own agenda. If I want my page to be completely blank, then I need to offer it back to God, with nothing on the paper.” […]

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