Thankfulness is a virtue we often ignore. We often forget simply to say thank you even for the service people give to us in the marketplace.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our own little world we forget to thank people who have helped us the most. Then there are people who simply need thanking to help them feel better about their own situation.
Everyone likes to be appreciated.
I thought I would use my platform to encourage a little thankfulness.
Here are 25 people you could easily say thank you to today:
A family member who holds the family together.
The parent who is always in your corner.
The person who gave you a start in your career.
Someone who encourages you that you only see online.
A random old friend you haven’t seen in a while that God lays on your heart.
An often unnoticed, but vital part of society – such as the custodian, street worker, truck driver, or garbage collector.
A friend who was there when you needed one most.
A pastor who helped shape your understanding of God.
The person you know who prays for you regularly.
Someone who waits on you frequently — somewhere — and you may not even know their name.
A public servant you admire for doing the right thing.
The unexpected person who was there for you at just the right time in your life; who said just the right thing you needed to hear.
A person who may not receive encouragement from anyone else – or you think is under appreciated.
A leader you’ve admired – maybe one who helped shape your view of leadership.
Someone who has invested in you from the distance and may not even know it.
The person who has been the most patient with you, even when you aren’t at your best.
Someone who makes you laugh, just when you need it most.
An emergency services professional — police, fire, military, etc.
A distant relative you’ve not seen in a while, yet they are there when you need them.
The person who introduced you to the person you married.
A teacher who encouraged you to be a better student or person.
Someone who inspires you with something they do well.
A good friend of your parents.
The medical personnel who helped you when you were sick.
Someone who has a smile, which encourages you.
These are a few suggestions, but I’m sure you have many more.
Here’s what I would suggest:
- Send a card. (Handwritten notes are awesome — and rare.)
- Write an email.
- Make a phone call.
- Plan a personal visit.
- Or simply say “thanks”.
But however you do so – say thank you.
By the way, if you can’t thank the person anymore – thank their family. Can you imagine how encouraging that would be?
If nothing else, speak it to God on their behalf – thanking Him for allowing them to be in your life.
Couple of days late but meant to add to the list … How about the person you stumbled upon on the web, whom you've never met in person, that happens to be a pastor with a blog, and that God uses regularly to encourage you to lead your life: marriage, ministry/work and family?
Thank YOU Ron!
Awesome. Very encourage. Thank you.
This is great! Love the list, hard to miss out on anyone. Coincidentally, my post yesterday was based on gratitude and how it is that having and living out that virtue has changed my life [ and others as well once applied]. Thanks for sharing.
I love that. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, this will help immensely in organizing an effort I started this summer to purposefully give thanks.
Awesome. Thank you.
Love this! What a great idea:) Thanks
Thank you