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I am a fan of the term mentoring. I have been and had a mentor for over 25 years and can honestly say mentors have helped make my life better.

I’ve written several posts on mentoring previously:

The Mentor Recruiter

5 Types of Mentors

How do I find a mentor?

Why I (You) Need a Mentor

5 Questions to Help You Know What to do with a Mentor

One question about mentoring I am consistently asked is, “What should a mentor do?” That’s an obvious question. What do you do when you have been asked to be a mentor or you decide to intentionally recruit someone to mentor you? What role should the mentor play in the mentee’s life?

Well, I don’t believe the point of a mentor is to script another person’s life. That’s not what I’ve ever wanted from my mentors or what I’ve attempted to do with those I mentor. I can’t share everything you may need in a mentor, but I can share what I have sought in one.

Here are 4 things I want in a mentor:

Help shape my path – Mentors have been used to help me make life altering decisions. Whether it was with career choices, marriage issues or character development, I need a mentor to help me make the major decisions in my life.

Allow me to learn from their experiences – Mentors have shared the good and bad elements of their life which has helped protect me from needless pain and guide me to better results. This is why I generally prefer mentors a generation ahead of me.

Help me me meet my goals – In business and in ministry, mentors have taught me valuable insights, discover paradigms, built principles into my life, which have helped me to be more successful in the things I hope to achieve.

Challenge me – Mentors have been there to encourage me to improve my life in areas of struggle, moments of fear, or in a resistance towards needed change. Mentors give an objective, but caring outside perspective that often gives me the nudge to do what I need to do.

My life wouldn’t be the same without the mentors in my life. Who have been some of the mentors in your life?

What else would you want from a mentor?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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samuel lima's avatar

samuel lima · 668 weeks ago

Good stuff! Can I traslate it into portuguese to use in my Blog? I promisse i will give credits!
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
I'd love that. Thanks
Jodee Whitworth's avatar

Jodee Whitworth · 668 weeks ago

Not only did my mentor fulfill all of the above but also I KNEW I was prayer for everyday!
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
A cup of tea, a shoulder to cry one, undying prayer support, encouragement, modeling, a godly, grace-driven perspective, a loan of her faith when mine is low, and an occasional whack with her Bible if I am headed off the path. I love her so much!
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
That my mentor has no need for "celebrity"...just a regular person with great traits and values that they DON'T advertise.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
My pastor and a previous boss of mine have both been mentors from whom I've learned a great deal. Don't really have one right now though. In addition to advice, I want my mentor to encourage me, to warn me and to challenge me. I also want honesty.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
-- Helps me shape my attitude and approach towards approaching a problem to solve.
-- Makes me realize about my real inner potential
-- Nurtures my USP
-- Is keen on bringing out the best from me.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
I've had a few mentors in my life. My current mentor has helped me on many levels but the primary area is always, ALWAYS pointing me back to the Word. No matter what we are dealing with (and we discuss many things) we always end up there. It was part of our initial discussions when we started and we've maintained that. It's mostly one way but I've done the same for him on a number of occasions. It's been a rich experience.

I strongly encourage anyone to seek out a mentor and not to sell themselves short on being a mentor.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
Great Post! I'm soooooooo with you, I love the word mentor! I think another think a mentor does is "point" ! They point you to God, to His promise, to His purpose, to His wisdom. They point up! Recently I have developed what we call prayer/mentors for our online campus. Being online as a church is a huge pioneering adventure. Did we really know what we were getting into! LOL! How do you take an online prayer that is "gut wrenching" that is typed into the chat and just say "we will pray for you"... it just wasn't enough. So we are developing online prayer/mentors and offering it to people. So far, it has really been sweet and seems to be a huge blessing! Oh The God Adventure! LOL! Have a great weekend.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago

You Can Be a Mentor | Ron Edmondson

[...] Everyone probably does need a mentor. Mentors help shape our life. I’ve written extensively about the subject. (Find some of those posts HERE.) [...]

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