How to Guarantee No One Disagrees with Your Leadership
Comments (22)

Ron, another sure fire way to guarantee no one disagrees with you as a leader is to be a "Bully Leader" and create a culture that resists disagreement and challenging ideas. Eventually the leader will have everyone agreeing with him or her.
hmm...not sure about that. some people seem to relish being told what to do and how to do it and prefer to not have to think for themselves. . .
Thanks. Trying to figure out how this addresses the post, but I totally agree.
The preferred method of many church leaders is a "democratic" leadership style. I think a "republic"style of leadership is the biblical model. That requires a plurality of leaders who are seeking to pursue the Monarchs vision for the church they are entrusted.
I think you are right on this democratic or flat model leadership is not biblical
As long as that Monarch is God, then that sounds about right.
Now that's funny!
LOL - I like this post.
While I read this post, I am reminded of an anonymous saying “There is no formula for success but there’s a formula for failure and that is trying to please everyone.”
Ain't it the truth...and frustrating to followers.
Comments by IntenseDebate
Ain't it the truth…and frustrating to followers.
While I read this post, I am reminded of an anonymous saying “There is no formula for success but there’s a formula for failure and that is trying to please everyone.”
Great quote!
Talk about hitting the nail on the head! I wish I didn’t care what people thought so much. That would make being a leader easier, but that would be a bad pastor.
Wow! What an honest leader!
Love this Ron. So true!
LOL – I like this post.
Now that's funny!
Ha! Thanks!
The preferred method of many church leaders is a “democratic” leadership style. I think a “republic”style of leadership is the biblical model. That requires a plurality of leaders who are seeking to pursue the Monarchs vision for the church they are entrusted.
I think you are right on this democratic or flat model leadership is not biblical
As long as that Monarch is God, then that sounds about right.
Ron, another sure fire way to guarantee no one disagrees with you as a leader is to be a "Bully Leader" and create a culture that resists disagreement and challenging ideas. Eventually the leader will have everyone agreeing with him or her.
Yes, Absolutely!
hmm…not sure about that. some people seem to relish being told what to do and how to do it and prefer to not have to think for themselves. . .
Thanks. Trying to figure out how this addresses the post, but I totally agree.