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Why Was David “A Man After God’s Own Heart”?

By August 3, 2009July 19th, 2021Devotional, Encouragement, God, Leadership

An often-confusing term concerning the Biblical character of David is the term “man after God’s own heart”.  Have you ever wondered what that really means? What does that kind of heart even look like? This morning I read a verse from the writings of David that I believe perhaps best captures the meaning behind this phrase.

I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Psalms 16:2

David recognized that the only good in him was the God in him.  Great godly leaders are willing to step aside from their own need for ego building and self-confidence and humble themselves before an almighty God.

I have heard before that President Theodore Roosevelt often went outdoors at night, looked up into the vastness of the universe, simply to remind himself of his humanity compared to the vastness of the universe.  I think that is an important principle for all of us that claim a leadership title.

Next time someone asks you why David was called “a man after God’s own heart”, point him or her to Psalm 16:2.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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I often think that this statement was "overrated"! It was said early in Davids life. And if he was a man after Gods own heart, then it give me great hope to know how he turned out. A man full of all kinds of sin to wear that title give me a chance.

Love the verse that goes you shared. What makes us a man after Gods own heart? Letting God have control. Easier said than done, but I keep striving to give God the controls.
.-= Steve Tucker´s last blog ..Welcome to My World =-.
3 replies · active 617 weeks ago
I totally agree. When we look at David we can be reminded that as frail as we are we too can have that kind of heart. David was not perfect, but his heart was pointed towards God, even to the end of his days.

Consider some of his last words even after some of his greatest sins:

1 Chronicles 29:10-13

David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, "Praise be to you, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.

There is hope for even someone like me!
2 replies · active 649 weeks ago
Mary Tackett's avatar

Mary Tackett · 801 weeks ago

I had heard that David knew how to repent

this is why the bible says that "David was a man

after God's own heart
1 reply · active 794 weeks ago
kola sobakin's avatar

kola sobakin · 800 weeks ago

David was indeed a man after God's heart . Take a critical look at those circumstances he had the opportunities to kill his enemies and he spared them. Many of us will move in quickly without 2nd thought and destroy our enemies. This only remind me of Jesus on the cross. The way he quickly admits his faults without excuses. The way he forgives. The way he praises and celebrates God. The heart to build a house for God. His offerings- must be costly. Please read the book of psalms for more.
1 reply · active 794 weeks ago
I'm doing some research on David and this very statement. You can say David from his youth had a shepherd's heart. He learned how to protect his father's sheep from predators. Many a night he stood watch. It is under those stars (which God the Father through Jesus Christ made and hung in place) that David looked up at each night. They are a wonder to behold. So when Samuel the prophet came to annoint the next king David the youngest was called in from the field. God told Samuel this is the one. I'm assuming that when David was annointed his heart turned from protecting sheep to following after God. Something special happened that night to change him forever. He wrote many of the Psalms from this perspective. He learned how to worship and who to worship. He learned what he was and what he could become. He wasn't perfect and he did sin. His life is a portrait of success and failure. It is the battle with our flesh that everyone faces. David would want everyone to learn from his life and how to live after the heart of God.
1 reply · active 794 weeks ago
Josephine Williams's avatar

Josephine Williams · 796 weeks ago

I believe David had a shepherds heart, he was a worshiper

and he delighted in doing Gods will, He forgave his enemies and didnt retaliate even when he had opportunity e.g. to kill King Saul, more importantly proved it, by taking Sauls grandson Mephibosheth into his family and making sure he was cared for for the rest of his life. No wonder he was a man after God's own heart.
2 replies · active 689 weeks ago

10 Reasons David Is A Man After God’s Own Heart - Ron Edmondson

[...] I posted on David being a man after God’s own heart. (You can read that post HERE.) I have since been overwhelmed by the number of people searching for that post through Google or [...]
candace siebert's avatar

candace siebert · 795 weeks ago

Can,t we all really relate to David? His mistakes and his PAIN!!!

I am fascinated by David because I so appreciate his willingness to be

REAL! He sincerely loved the Lord, yet sinned and repented earnestly! He teaches us that there is no sin or trouble bigger than our God!
3 replies · active 614 weeks ago

My Most Popular and Favorite Blog Posts of 2009 @ Ron Edmondson

[...] Why Was David A Man After God’s Own Heart? (That post was updated HERE.) [...]

Agape » Psalms 16:2

[...] I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = 'Psalms+16%3A2'; addthis_pub = ''; [...]
Noah D. Roberts's avatar

Noah D. Roberts · 782 weeks ago

In the original Hebrew, the meaning appears to be a bit different than how it is translated in English. The phrase "after his own heart" appears to be referring to the act of God choosing rather than to the man. Essentially, "after his own heart" means "according to his (God's) own choosing" which is intended to be a contrast to Saul who was the choice of the people of Israel. The verse could be more easily understood if it were translated into English as " Yahweh has sought out a man according to his own choosing..." or a bit more awkwardly, "Yahweh has sought out, according to his own choosing, a man..." Of course, David was a great man of God in many respects and extremely flawed at the same time. At our best, we are still in this category. From a merely human perspective, David's sins seem far more egregious than Saul's, but God's point is that he chose David (with all of his flaws) to be the king over his people and to be in the line that would bring about the Savior of the world. It was not dependent on David's holiness, but God's faithfulness. This is why David gets all the press throughout the rest of Scripture. Of course, all that you have said about David's repentance, his servant's heart and all the rest is true, and his constant faith in Yahweh as his delight and deliverer is a model for all believers.
9 replies · active 578 weeks ago

ALOH CHINONSO · 779 weeks ago

I mean thatI am totlly consfused about ” man after God’s own heart” please what is the meaning?
1 reply · active 779 weeks ago
Mary Tackett's avatar

Mary Tackett · 755 weeks ago

I have read sold out to the Lord.

I have been trying to do that.and as hard

as try to understand I cant seem to reach

that in my life
4 replies · active 614 weeks ago
The extraordinary power of letting go of self, and letting God have his way is the key to living an abundant life in Christ. When David surrendered his heart to the Lord, he realized that he was nothing with Jehovah Jireh (The Lord who provides). As human beings, we wrestle with allowing God to take control, because He will take us to places of unknown territory that will increase us in Him.
Thanks for all the insights guys! they were really helpful
The mention of David's sin being more egregious is in error. David's sin never led him to intentional disobedionce, hatred of God's people, and idolatry as did Saul's. David sinned, but not of deliberate intent. Moreover, he immediately was remorsed because of his sin (no the consequences) and took his sin straight to God. His heart was troubled at any sin in his life and his heart sought after God.
5 replies · active 613 weeks ago

My Top 10 Posts of 2010 | Ron Edmondson

[...] Why Was David a Man after God’s Own Heart? [...]
I believe that this statement made by God himself,says of David andcould be said of anyone seeking God,that when we want to know God`s heart we want to know His ways His thoughts,His perspective,His will for us.
1 reply · active 728 weeks ago

Top Posts for April 2011 | Ron Edmondson

[...] Why Was David a “Man After God’s Own Heart”? [...]
I've often thought about the difference between David and Saul...Saul did everything out of fear while 7 times we're told "David sought the Lord"... with 7 being the number of completeness and wholeness I think it gives us a clue why David was "a man after [God's] own heart."

We've got to be led by the Spirit. Jesus told his disciples "Buy a sword" and 11 verses later He rebuked them for using it. We can be obedient and then assume the next logical step and get into a heap of trouble.
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago
im very much encouraged by david's life, it gives me hope....
I like this question and I especially like the answer of Noah D. Roberts 73 weeks ago. Hi Noah D. Roberts. I am realizing more and more in my Bible studies and time alone with the Lord that He has done the choosing. We think we are responsible for many things that we really are not. He needed a David and He chose one for Himself. We are not that good, after all, that God is so impressed with any of us. It's His mercy and grace that has made a way for us, not the other way around. Thanks for the opportunity to commment.
I think it's an both/and not an either/or. Noah D. Roberts is right, but Acts 13:22 also confirms that David was in a unique way a man after God's own heart.
Brian, I was all set to agree with you. . .until I looked up the use of kardia in Acts 13:22. According to BDAG, this falls under the 5th usage "of the emotions, wishes, desires" and more specifically here "of the wish or desire of God ...after God’s heart i.e. as God wishes him to be."

The rest of the verse makes it clear that the way in which David fit this distinction was that he did everything that God wanted him to do. This forms a sharp contrast between David and well as between David and Solomon (1 Kings 11:4) or Jeroboam (1 Kings 15:3), etc.
Stephan Marais's avatar

Stephan Marais · 677 weeks ago

All quotations from Good News edition. 1 Kings 2:8. 'There is also Shimei son of Gera, from the town of Bahurim in Benjamin. He cursed me biiterly the day I went to Manhanaim, but when he met the at the River Jordan, I gave him my solemn promise in the name of the Lord that I would not have him killed. 9. But you must not let him go unpunished. You know what to do, and you must see to it that he is put to death'.

1 Kings 15:5. The Lord did this because David was had done what pleased him and had never disobeyed any of his coomands, except in the case of Uriah the Hittite.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago

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