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Encouragement During Clouded Reality: When You Can’t Sense God’s Truth

Someone needs to read this…

I sense it…

The Psalmist wrote:

Will the Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable?

Has his steadfast love forever ceased?

Are his promises at an end for all time?

Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he in anger shut up his compassion?

(Psalm 77:7-9)

Have you ever felt like this before?

Have you ever felt like all hope is gone?

I have many times.

I’ve learned this…

When my emotions cloud or control my reality, I have to go back to truth….to faith…to trusting God when I can’t sense, see or feel God.

I have to walk with clouded glasses to the reality I know…I believe…is there…even when it makes no apparent sense to do so.

I know, in my heart, by His Word, and by experience that God can never NOT be gracious…

Any good parent could never neglect his or her children…

You know that…

The Psalmist had to remember that too…

I will remember the deeds of the Lord…

Yes I will remember your wonders of old…

I will ponder all your work…

And meditate on your mighty deeds…

Your way, O God, is holy…

What god is great like our God?

You are the God who works wonders…

You have made known your might among the peoples…

(Psalm 77:11-14)

Do you need a reminder today that God is still on His throne, He is still in control, and He’s still working a plan?

I’m praying for you. If you need specific prayer, leave a comment. My readers love praying for people!

BTW, I addressed this issue in my Easter message. You can find that HERE.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • JD

    Finances are a wreck. Not making enough $$$ and creditors are threatening to sue … Again.

  • Missy says:

    Please pray for my broken family.

  • Jason says:

    The encouragement from this post never gets old.

  • so sad says:

    This is me…my husband of 18 years has left me for a 19 year old woman…I can only imagine the sorrows of Jesus after all that he has done for us and then we live as if He never died for us. Please keep my family in your prayers. We have 2 amazing sons….14 and 15 who need the man God wants their dad to be, not the man Satan has convinced him that he wants to be. Please, please, keep us in your prayers.

  • Struggling servant says:

    Yep, that's me too…
    So many changes in my world… I know God will make his way and will clear, but I am waiting on Him-and trying to be thankful while I wait. I need His wisdom and discernment to know how to proceed so that SELF is not honored or ruling, but God. I know He will continue to use me but I am not sure how and where, and if this unrest is from him or self. I will continue praying as I know from experience he will make it clear. Just walking through a very different place than I ever thought I would be. So I am resonating with your words "When my emotions cloud or control my reality, I have to go back to truth….to faith…to trusting God when I can’t sense, see or feel God. I have to walk with clouded glasses to the reality I know…I believe…is there…even when it makes no apparent sense to do so."

    • ronedmondson says:

      Praying for you Struggling Servant! May you comment soon with the name Rejoicing Soldier!

  • Andy Jackson says:

    Thanks Ron — I needed that today. Familiar story, but looking for work since November… Really appreciate the encouragement from His Word.

  • Clara Chinyere says:

    For God sovereign favor to prevail in all that im going through, my car to be repaired, to truly heal the hearts of those who despise me. Thank you family. Love, Clara Chinyere

  • Yes! Many times we pass through desert in our life. Each can be a great testing of our patience and perseverence. But the fact is that we need to accept the truth in order to overcome the difficulty. Cribbing/ murmuring/ complaining never helps. I believe that hope is always better than despair in our life. As believers, we are called to live a life full of faith. Trails and tribulations often try to overwhelm us but the reminder that God is still on His throne, He is still in control, and He’s still working a plan is a good solution to start with.

  • ronedmondson says:

    Praying for you John.

  • Jon says:

    Yep, that's me. I know that God wants the best for my marriage. I can read in scripture, especially in the Ephesians 5 passages, to get an understanding of what He expects. I can see in my life where I really try and live that out each and every day in my marriage and with my wife. Still after two years, I hardly see any cracks, if at all, in the hard wall of her heart. I just have blind faith and trust that He's working in her heart. The place where I struggle is with the "blind" aspect of it. I know that His plan is the best one and that He has the best outcome planned for me. But I also know that He's given her free-will and that she can reject His plan. And because of that I know that the path before me may still be painful and, honestly, I'm weary of the pain and loneliness. Still, what else can I do but to trust and to love her unconditionally?

    • marylka says:

      yep, thats me too!….only with me its my eldest son. thank you, your words really resonated " the hard wall of the heart"….and the struggling with the 'blind' faith aspect…..yes am also plain weary of the pain and loneliness of it…but dont feel so alone knowing I am not the only one going through this, and I had thought I had reached the wall.. and even love running out, and that is really scary….but now feel a measure of comfort and encouraged not to give up…but carry on…praying…sometimes we just need a little break and a rest but then after a word of encouragement we can be renewed to carry on. God bless you Jon, and your wife.

      • ronedmondson says:

        Thank you! Praying for you.

      • Jon says:

        Thanx maryika, praying for you too.

        The last couple of years has very pointedly shown me just how many people, most Christians, are suffering in these situations with spouses or family or things like porn. Especially when another person is involved and you've seen the light or know the right way and to get so stymied by someone else's hard heart. I know that if my wife just took a chance and really gave herself to me and spent time in my love she would be so thrilled and happy with our marriage. I bet it's the same with your son. Praying for all the hard hearts out there that they are softened.