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Help For Ministry Wives (Interview with Rachel Lovingood)

By Call to Ministry, Church, Church Planting, Family, Marriage

One of the toughest jobs in the church must be the role of pastor or minister’s spouse. Recently Cheryl (my spouse) completed a Bible study on her own that she felt was very helpful to her. She believes it will be helpful for other ministry spouses. If her schedule will ever allow it she would love to lead a group of area wives through this study. I decided since it was valuable enough for my wife that I would like to interview one of the authors.

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Leaving a Legacy

By Children, Encouragement, Family, Life Plan, Parenting

What is your legacy? There is an old song Christian artist Steve Green sang called “Find us Faithful”. A line in the song says, “When your children sift through all you’ve left behind, will the memories they uncover…?” I recall hearing that song when my boys were young and I was always convicted! I was concerned about the memories I would leave behind for my boys.

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Dear Nate (Letter to a Son)

By Children, Family

Nate (formerly known as Nathaniel), you have been a soul mate since you were very little. We are so much alike that it scares me for you sometimes. Yesterday was the longest ride of my life after dropping you off at college. This past week has been an emotional roller coaster. I am so excited that your dream of being at Moody has come true, but the thought of not seeing you everyday is overwhelming to me. You kept telling me “thanks for everything” the last few days. Son, if only you knew how much value you add to my life in so many ways. No thanks are necessary.

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Get To The Bottom And The Up Will Be Found

By Business, Leadership, Marriage

In a marriage for example, some people keep bringing up the same issues and repeating same mistakes and so they fail to initiate change. Sometimes a spouse refuses to tell the whole truth and so bad news keeps coming out, opening new wounds each time. The marriage never improves until everything is on the table, there are no more secrets and the bottom is found.

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Orientation By Wilderness Experience (Could It Work For Your Team?)

By Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership, Vision, Youth

Taylor, one of my 18 year-old son Nate’s best friends, is going to Wheaton University this fall. I am excited that he will be an hour away from Nate who will be at Moody Bible College. I wrote a blog about their friendship a couple months ago. Read that post HERE. I had coffee this morning with Taylor, because he is leaving this weekend for an extended and unusual college orientation.

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I Am A Teacher, Not a Know-It-All

By Family, Leadership, Marriage

One common misunderstanding is that those who teach principles are perfect at implementing those same principles in their life. Hopefully before someone agrees to teach on a subject they have a certain “expertise” in the area he or she teaches, whether by education or experience, but it is probably false to believe he or she is perfect in every area they claim expertise.

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