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When God Speaks: Answers from the Book of Job

By November 28, 2010Encouragement, God

We recently ended a series looking at the Biblical character of Job. I preached three times in this series, at the beginning and the two messages at the end of the series. Job is a complex, hard to understand book, because it forces us to wrestle with the struggles of the world. The dilemma Job faced was one we all face. How could a good, loving, all powerful God allow suffering as He does? Why doesn’t He provide us with more answers? At times, and I mean this with all due respect, God seems distant, hard to understand.

If you missed the other two sermons I shared, you can hear them HERE and HERE or watch them HERE and HERE.

This is the conclusion to the Job series.

We try each week to choose which of the three services works best. Due to recording difficulties, we captured video in one service and audio in another. Personally preferred the audio message, so you can listen to that one HERE.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Matt says:

    Very encouraging thank you!!

  • Jon says:

    You are so right, I really do wish, most of the time, that He would provide more answers. And it's not because I am looking for some easy way out. It's just that I get stuck trying to figure out which way to really jump. If I'm successful then I keep on that track, but when I try and try and try and nothing seems to be working, the obvious question is "Am I going the right direction? And if I'm not, then which way is? Or am I just being impatient?" A small clue would really be appreciated from time to time because we all go the "wrong" way once in a while.

  • @Mark_runs says:

    My cousin's husband came to Christ by reading the book of Job and discovering the marvelous complexity of the universe God gave us.

    • ronedmondson says:

      That's a great story. Don't know if I knew anyone come to Christ through Job, but I have known many whom the book has helped through rough times.

  • Laurinda says:

    I enjoyed this! You are so right about keeping the right perspective. It's hard work but worth the effort. Thanks for preaching this series on Job. Job is the one book of the bible I have a hard time getting through. I think his friends talked to much. The visual that pops in my mind as they talk just makes my head spin and I don't always get the point. I think the best part of the book is when his friends didn't talk for 3 days!

  • crystin says:

    Awesome sermon, sir.