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Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

This verse has inspired me over the years, but recently I saw it in a different context for my life.  I’ve often seen this verse helpful to remind me to build accountability and mentoring into my life, which I have consistently done.  I am a wisdom seeker, so I am continually looking for nuggets of advice to help me be a better person, leader, father, husband and friend.  I think it may have even another application for me today.

One of the biggest mistakes I see leaders make is failing to learn from the people on their team.  We tend to think the best ideas are outside our organization, so we learn from many sources, but many times the best ideas for the organization are already with us.  I love to attend conferences, I read tons of books, I follow numerous blogs of great leaders, but the fact is God has surrounded me with great leaders with whom I work. I need to make sure I’m learning from them.

Here’s a gentle reminder.  If your organization hires sharp people, which I hope it does, learn from them. Allow their “iron” to sharpen your iron.

What have you learned from the people on your team?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • The first thing we need to learn from our team is about our team. What makes them tick, what motivates them and what slows them down.

  • Tami Heim says:

    Ron – there is so much a leader can learn from he or her team. But it does require a heart wide open to do it. Leaders must recognize the unique gifts in their team members, especially the ones absent in themselves. If they do that – it is easier and more empowering to pass the leadership baton and call team members to bring their strengths to the discussion and issues at hand.

    When iron sharpens iron from edges of strength – amazing things happen!

    • ronedmondson says:

      I agree. Raising up leaders is easier in an environment where sharing gifts freely is encouraged

  • Serving in a bi-lingual church in Texas has given me the opportunity to serve with some awesome guys. Two of our staffers were born and raised in Juarez, Mexico. Because of their upbringing they appreciate the smallest of things. This has really helped me see and notice those blessings as well.