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Dear Nate (Letter to a Son)

By August 22, 2009August 14th, 2015Children, Family

Nate (formerly known as Nathaniel), you have been a soul mate to me since you were very little. We are so much alike that it scares me for you sometimes. Yesterday was the longest ride of my life after dropping you off at college. This past week has been an emotional roller coaster. I am so excited that your dream of being at Moody has come true, but the thought of you being so far away and not seeing you everyday is overwhelming to me.

You kept telling me “thanks for everything” the last few days. Son, if only you knew how much value you add to my life in so many ways. No thanks are necessary.

This letter will attempt to communicate to you clearly things I hope I have said to you over the years, but never want you to forget.

  • There will never be anyone in your corner more than me.
  • You are awesome. I am your biggest fan.
  • At such a young age you have so much insight into life, leadership, church-life, and relationships. Use it well for the Kingdom.
  • I will try to let you go, but honestly it is proving to be one of the hardest things I have done in my life.
  • I am always here for you. You cannot interrupt me, because you are a part of me.
  • I look forward to seeing you grow and be the man God wants you to be.
  • Your passion for life and Christ is contagious.
  • I hope you always make better decisions than I have at times.
  • I pray you are determined to take risks, dream big, and trust God even more than I was.
  • I will miss most our random conversations about tackling the world’s problems and our belly laughs at things no one else would understand.
  • You have more potential than you even realize, but thanks for being so humble.
  • Feel free to keep asking me to pray for you, but the request is granted long before it is made.  (You can just give me specifics.)
  • My greatest wish for you, as it always has been, is that you will continue to love Jesus with all your heart.
  • We named you well.  You truly are a “gift of God”.

You have my number. I am just a phone call (or text) away.

I love you buddy!

Dad (Pops)

P.S. Love your blog! (

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